Symposium Submission Guidelines
Please refer to the symposium's official guidelines for any specific requirements or additional details they may have. These general guidelines will help ensure that your paper meets the standard expectations for academic symposium submissions.
Follow the symposium's provided template for paper formatting, including font size, style, and margins.
Ensure proper citation style (e.g., APA, MLA) if otherwise specified.
Craft a clear and concise title that reflects the main theme of your paper.
Provide an abstract summarizing your research's purpose, methodology, and key findings.
Include a set of relevant keywords that capture the essence of your paper.
Include author names, affiliations, and contact details.
Identify the corresponding author and provide their email address.
Clearly state the problem or research question your paper addresses.
Provide background information and the context of your study.
Clearly state the objectives of your study or the hypotheses you aim to test.
Describe the research design, data collection methods, and analysis procedures.
Ensure transparency and provide enough detail for others to replicate your study.
Present your findings in a clear and organized manner.
Utilize tables, figures, or graphs to enhance data visualization.
Interpret your results and discuss their implications.
Relate your findings to existing literature and theoretical frameworks.
Summarize the main findings and their significance.
Suggest potential avenues for future research.
Cite all sources properly using the specified citation style.
Ensure accuracy and consistency in the reference list.
If applicable, acknowledge any funding sources, support, or collaborations.
Follow the specified submission process outlined by the symposium organizers.
Be mindful of submission deadlines.
Confirm that your research adheres to ethical standards.
If applicable, address issues related to human subjects, data privacy, or conflicts of interest.
MS-ENTS'24 Template